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Truck Tyres

Lorry Tyres Limavady

Repair and supply for all types of commercial tyres

We sell All types of truck tyres from including
  • Premium to Budget Tyres
  • Remould Tyres
  • Drive Axel Tyres
  • Steering Tyres
  • Trailer Tyres
For all your commercial Tyre needs.

A good pair of tyres is paramount on heavy vehicles, particularly in winter. The demands on a truck tyre are already very high – they have to last long distances carrying huge loads, and on occasion even have to be operated off the road. The tread pattern needs to be deep enough so that they can keep their grip on the road when everything looks slippery.

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Upgrade the tyres on your car today

Van Tyres

Though they may look similar, van tyres are not the same as car tyres. They differ in a number of ways, primarily because van tyres are designed to carry much heavier loads, run at higher inflation pressures, and to generally be more robust.

Truck Tyres

A good pair of tyres is paramount on heavy vehicles, particularly in winter. The demands on a truck tyre are already very high – they have to last long distances carrying huge loads, and on occasion even have to be operated off the road.

Solid Tyres Forklifts

Solid pneumatic forklift tires are made out of solid rubber. These tires are very durable and can’t be punctured or deflated, which makes them ideal for industries with sharp debris like recycling centers or lumberyards.

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